Liza and Josh had a fantastic idea….to photograph their engagement in Josh’s home town of Rochester, NY. We absolutely adore traveling to new locations that are special to our clients! When John and I arrived, we were so excited at the quaint and beautiful spot that they had selected! With such an adorable couple, we could have photographed them all day in this location, but we also had the opportunity to visit the local Lilac Festival! With the sun setting, we walked through the beautiful lilacs as an Eddy Money concert played in the background. We loved the natural light peeking through the trees and all the unique little spots that we found along our walk. The way Josh brought out Liza’s smiles and their adorable little dog, made this couple so fun and easy to photograph! It was also so nice to meet Josh’s parents! Thank you Kris for all your assisting and Josh and Liza for bringing us to New York! We can not wait for their wedding next year at the awesome
Arial International Center in Cleveland!

Pittsford, New York is just outside of Rochester…a beautiful and quaint city.
How cute is the little dog?!!
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